70 X Ophthalmophyllum on the database All UL - Jaroslav Ullmann JAA - Jean André Audissou MSG - Mesemb Study Group PV - Petr Pavelka (son) SB - Steven (Steve) Brack 1 / 4 20 - 40 - 80 Species Field number Locality Picture Ophthalmophyllum spathulatum PV 100Hester Malan National Park Ophthalmophyllum friedrichii PV 133Namibia : (26km West of Karasburg) Ophthalmophyllum friedrichii PV 136Namibia : (31km West of Warmbad) Ophthalmophyllum friedrichii PV 138Namibia : (50km West of Warmbad) Ophthalmophyllum latum PV 201South of Eksteenfontein Ophthalmophyllum latum PV 202South of Eksteenfontein Ophthalmophyllum friedrichiae aff.PV 22910km North of Pofadder Ophthalmophyllum sp. PV 231Namies Ophthalmophyllum sp. PV 23520km South of Pofadder Ophthalmophyllum maughanii SB 802South Africa : North-West Cape (Smorenskadu, Springbok, Kl. Nm.) Ophthalmophyllum haramoepense ?SB 804South Africa : (Concordia) Ophthalmophyllum pubescens aff.SB 806South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Stofkloof, Platbakkies, Boesm.) Ophthalmophyllum longum SB 1066South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Eenriet, Steinkopf, Boesm.) Ophthalmophyllum haramoepense SB 1103South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Naip, North of Springbok, Kl. Nm.) Ophthalmophyllum latum SB 1108South Africa : (Klipbok) Ophthalmophyllum littlewoodii SB 1141South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Animub , Vioolsdrift) Ophthalmophyllum friedrichiae SB 1208South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Samoep, Pofadder, Boesm.) Ophthalmophyllum herrei SB 1209South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Konkyp, Eenriet, Boesm.) Ophthalmophyllum praesectum SB 1210South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Achab, Pofadder, Boesm.) Ophthalmophyllum latum aff.SB 1495South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Jakkalswater, Steinkopf, Kl. Nm.) 1 / 4