70 X Ophthalmophyllum on the database All UL - Jaroslav Ullmann JAA - Jean André Audissou MSG - Mesemb Study Group PV - Petr Pavelka (son) SB - Steven (Steve) Brack 1 / 1 20 - 40 - 80 Species Field number Locality Picture Ophthalmophyllum spathulatum PV 100Hester Malan National Park Ophthalmophyllum friedrichii PV 133Namibia : (26km West of Karasburg) Ophthalmophyllum friedrichii PV 136Namibia : (31km West of Warmbad) Ophthalmophyllum friedrichii PV 138Namibia : (50km West of Warmbad) Ophthalmophyllum latum PV 201South of Eksteenfontein Ophthalmophyllum latum PV 202South of Eksteenfontein Ophthalmophyllum friedrichiae aff.PV 22910km North of Pofadder Ophthalmophyllum sp. PV 231Namies Ophthalmophyllum sp. PV 23520km South of Pofadder Ophthalmophyllum maughanii SB 802South Africa : North-West Cape (Smorenskadu, Springbok, Kl. Nm.) Ophthalmophyllum haramoepense ?SB 804South Africa : (Concordia) Ophthalmophyllum pubescens aff.SB 806South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Stofkloof, Platbakkies, Boesm.) Ophthalmophyllum longum SB 1066South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Eenriet, Steinkopf, Boesm.) Ophthalmophyllum haramoepense SB 1103South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Naip, North of Springbok, Kl. Nm.) Ophthalmophyllum latum SB 1108South Africa : (Klipbok) Ophthalmophyllum littlewoodii SB 1141South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Animub , Vioolsdrift) Ophthalmophyllum friedrichiae SB 1208South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Samoep, Pofadder, Boesm.) Ophthalmophyllum herrei SB 1209South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Konkyp, Eenriet, Boesm.) Ophthalmophyllum praesectum SB 1210South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Achab, Pofadder, Boesm.) Ophthalmophyllum latum aff.SB 1495South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Jakkalswater, Steinkopf, Kl. Nm.) Ophthalmophyllum maughanii SB 1496South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Samoep, Pofadder, Boesm.) Ophthalmophyllum praesectum SB 1525South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Samoep, Pofadder, Boesm.) Ophthalmophyllum schlechteri SB 1534South Africa : North-West Cape Province (North of Augrabies , Kl. Nm.) Ophthalmophyllum littlewoodii SB 1614South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Jakkalswater, Steinkopf, Kl. Nm.) Ophthalmophyllum longum SB 1615South Africa : North-West Cape Province (Konkyp, Eenriet, Boesm.) Ophthalmophyllum littlewoodii SB 1704South Africa : North-West Cape Province (North of Jakkalswater, Steinkopf, Kl. Nm.) Ophthalmophyllum littlewoodii SB 1817 : Namibia (North of Umdaus) Ophthalmophyllum australe SB 2011 : Platbakkies (Banke) Ophthalmophyllum longum JAA 576Konkiep, South Africa Ophthalmophyllum praesectum MSG 44Tafelkop, Achab, near Pofadder Ophthalmophyllum triebneri MSG 45Pofadder Ophthalmophyllum verrucosum MSG 46South Africa : (Gamoep) Ophthalmophyllum australe MSG 190Kliprand Ophthalmophyllum friedrichiae MSG 191South Africa : (Witsand) Ophthalmophyllum latum MSG 192Klipbok Ophthalmophyllum littlewoodii MSG 193Animub Ophthalmophyllum schlechteri MSG 194Aughrabies Ophthalmophyllum schuldtii MSG 195South Africa : (Witsand) Ophthalmophyllum haramoepense MSG 289 Ophthalmophyllum pubescens MSG 29010km West of Platbakkies Ophthalmophyllum subfenestratum MSG 291 Ophthalmophyllum triebneri MSG 292Pofadder Ophthalmophyllum verrucosum aff.MSG 293 Ophthalmophyllum dinteri MSG 383 Ophthalmophyllum friedrichiae MSG 384 Ophthalmophyllum praesectum MSG 385Pofadder Ophthalmophyllum sp. MSG 38688km West-North-West of Pofadder Ophthalmophyllum haramoepense ?MSG 501Aggenys, Pofadder Ophthalmophyllum littlewoodii MSG 502Animub Ophthalmophyllum maughanii MSG 503Naip road Ophthalmophyllum pubescens MSG 50415km West of Platbakkies Ophthalmophyllum pubescens MSG 50514km West of Platbakkies Ophthalmophyllum schlechteri MSG 506North of Aughrabies Ophthalmophyllum sp. MSG 614Liefdood, Kenhardt Ophthalmophyllum sp. MSG 6154km North of Smorgenskadu Ophthalmophyllum latum aff.MSG 616Jakkalswater Ophthalmophyllum longum ?MSG 617Hangpaal Ophthalmophyllum maughanii MSG 618Naip road, West of Springbok Ophthalmophyllum spathulatum ?MSG 619Tweefontein Ophthalmophyllum australe MSG 723North of Kliprand Ophthalmophyllum herrei MSG 724Breekpoort Ophthalmophyllum pubescens aff.MSG 725Stofkloof Ophthalmophyllum sp. MSG 726South Africa : (Umdaus, quartz) Ophthalmophyllum spathulatum UL 204Hester Malan Nature Reserve, Northern Cape Province, South Africa Ophthalmophyllum friedrichiae UL 26826km South-East of Karasburg, Namibia Ophthalmophyllum friedrichiae UL 27232km South-East of Warmbad, Namibia Ophthalmophyllum friedrichiae UL 28413km North of Keimas, Namibia Ophthalmophyllum latum UL 36014km South-East of Eksteenfontein, Northern Cape Province, South Africa Ophthalmophyllum latum UL 36114km South-East of Eksteenfontein, Northern Cape Province, South Africa Ophthalmophyllum sp. UL 78610km West of Eksteenfontein, Northern Cape Province, South Africa 1 / 1